SkyWatch Friday


I’ve been working on designing a new website for our church lately, so I’ve been taking advantage of nice days to photograph the building. I’m trying to find that right balance of artistic flair & juxtaposition while still showing the church off at the same time. I’m a little biased probably, but I think it’s a pretty church.

But there was one day in particular last week when the sky was a gorgeous deep blue and spotted with fluffy and wispy clouds. It didn’t necessarily accentuate the church, but the sky is beautiful.

steeple and clouds

steeple and clouds 2

I love the way the sun is framed by the clouds in this one…

clouds and sun

SkyWatch Saturday

This is actually in response to Dust Bunny Hostage’s SkyWatch Friday” post yesterday. Though it’s a simple & cool enough concept that I might start participating regularly.

Jen’s photos were of clouds with a silver lining. My clouds are lined with GOLD.


Or at least Copper.


They were taken while we were sailing on a Tall Ship in Charleston Harbor a few weeks ago. I love that the tallest buildings in Charleston’s skyline are the many church steeples that pepper their historic downtown area. It was just gorgeous, and none of my pictures do it justice.

Have a great weekend!